11 Jul Reviewing Left & Right articles
Nowadays, I only accept articles’ or books’ evaluation (blind referee for ranked journals and book publishers) in the areas that keep interesting me, and about which I keep publishing…. especially, left-right issues and political representation…. On more recent times (last couple of months), I have been called to evaluate comparative articles in well ranked journals (American Political Science Review, Comparative European Politics, Journal of Political Ideologies, West European Politics, and the International Political Science Review), plus a book proposal on Routledge, about left-right issues (at the citizens, parties and government levels)… I like to do this, I learn a lot and it keeps me updated with more recent trends…. but it is also a sign of worldwide recognition of my expertise in the left-right field, so to say…. I feel honored!
PS: 1st) I believe I am pretty constructive on my evaluations….
2nd) Image sources are the goggle images’ data bank.
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